Friday, August 21, 2020

A Report on Information Technology Risk Management

Questions: Task1. For this inquiry you are required to make at any rate two (2) discussion postings, contending either possibly in support of the quantitative strategy for hazard appraisal. You will be evaluated on what you add to the discussion as far as quality not amount (however your posting ought to at any rate be a couple of sentences long). You may either make new string or answer to a past posting. Every single new string ought to contain the title Quantitative Debate (I will do the posting, simply need 2 contentions with refs to put together the presents with respect on please) 2. Study Exhibits 61.1 and 61.2 from Reading 3, and answer the accompanying questions:(a) Explain in your own words what is implied by the terms Sweet Spot and Discretionary Area (see Exhibit 61.1) (b) Explain the hugeness of a security choice that is situated to one side of the Sweet Spot yet outside the Discretionary Area (see Exhibit 61.1). (c) Explain the hugeness of a security choice that is situated to one side of the Sweet Spot yet at the same time inside the Discretionary Area (see Exhibit 61.1). (d) Explain why you think the Defined Highest Acceptable Risk is situated on the Sweet Spot, however the Defined Lowest Acceptable Risk is situated to one side of the Sweet Spot (see Exhibit 61.2).3. In Reading 7 for this subject, Ozier states that The [ALE] calculation can't recognize successfully between low recurrence/high-sway dangers, (for example, fire) and high-recurrence/low effect dangers, (for example, abuse of assets). Clarify why this is the situation. Give a suitable guide to outline your clarification. 4. (Note: Make sure you show ALL your working for this inquiry) The accompanying danger insights have been assembled by a hazard supervisor. In light of these, compute the ALE for every danger. 5. (Note: Make sure you show ALL your working for this inquiry) Using the figures you determined above, decide the relative ROSI (return on security venture) for every one of similar dangers with the accompanying controls set up. Recall that a solitary control may influence more than one risk, and you have to consider while ascertaining the ROSI. In view of your estimations, which controls ought to be bought? 6. Consider the information in the two tables that show up in questions 4 and 5 above. Once in a while a control may influence the expense per episode and at times the event recurrence, and at times both. Why would that be the situation? Show your answer with a model drawn from the information provided.7. It is 1999 and you are the hazard director for a huge money related foundation. You apply the Jacobsons Window model (Reading 11) to decide your companys favored reaction to the approaching Y2K bug. As indicated by the model, would it be advisable for you to acknowledge, alleviate, or move the Y2K hazard? Why? Do you concur with the models suggestions? Why or why not? 8. (Note: Make sure you show ALL your working for this inquiry) You need to convince the executives to put resources into a mechanized fixing framework. You gauge the expenses and advantages throughout the following five years as follows: Benefits: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $2,000 $2,500 $4,000 Costs: Year 1 Y ear 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $3000 $2000 $750 $250 Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for this speculation. Expecting that administration has set the Required Rate of Return at 10%, should the speculation be made? Why or why not?9. There are various subjective hazard appraisal models that are accessible for use, for example, FRAAP, OCTAVE, OWASP and CRAMM. Pick one of these models and quickly depict how hazard appraisal is led under this model. Depict a model circumstance where you could utilize this chose model. Give your appraisal of the legitimacy, or something else, of this hazard evaluation model. Answers: 1. Quantitative Debate Post 1 (Supporting quantitative strategy for hazard evaluation) According to a reality, quantitative strategy under hazard evaluation alludes to a specific procedure that measures the measure of hazard dependent on the beforehand distinguished degree of hazard. Usage of those devices of hazard appraisal have extended the degree of understandability including that of sufficiency, thus hazard might be effectively unmistakable. It grasps an expressive issue that is related to each phase of the particular hazard evaluation (. ., 2007). To this respect, on exploring the subtleties of this strategy it might be distinguished that by utilizing these successive stages one may effectively call attention to the various dangers, results of those risks it they exist by any means, likelihood of the perils, and qualities of those risks. Along these lines, it might be said that quantitative technique for surveying hazard incorporates strong building, budgetary elements, and that of biological investigation. Post 2 (Supporting quantitative strategy for hazard evaluation) On as opposed to the quantitative method of hazard assessment, this methodology of quantitative examination gives a progressively point by point situation. A definitive reason for giving expanded concentration upon quantitative methodology of evaluating hazard is that to survey the nearness of all dangers by methods for this methodology. This is said to fuse both likelihood of key risks just as their effects. Henceforth, this methodology makes it simpler to indicate which hazard requires to be dealt with according to its need. 2. Examining sub-questions Sweet Spot and Discretionary Area: For diminishing the perils and their event, association joins a successful data security framework. For executing such a viable security framework, it is significant for the associations to take up certain measure of cost. Another reality in such manner is that the degree of proficiency of a security framework is in certainty straightforwardly corresponding to cost (Adler, Leonard Nordgren, 1999). On the opposite side, improved security framework alludes to the happening of hazard would diminish, which means chance is conversely corresponding to the degree of acquired cost. Presently, if a two-dimensional zone is considered whereby security is to be estimated by methods for level hub and that of cost by methods for vertical pivot, at that point the purpose of crossing point of cost and that of hazard bend, whereby the two dangers and expenses are at harmony, the fact of the matter is known as sweet spot. Likewise, it is significant for each association requires taking up probably some measure of cost to oversee hazard, and there are some degree of dangers that may not be decreased. Consequently, if the predefined most minimal cost, least degree of hazard which can't be diminished and every single current practice related to chance avoidance are all the while thought of, at that point the space in that dimensional region is called optional region. Security choice situated towards the privilege of Sweet Spot and outside of Discretionary Area: According to the given figure, we can say that in such specific setting, expanding parts of security alludes to some degree of costs that has comparable endless supply of hazard as the degree of hazard diminished similarly as that of the upgrade of security concerns. Conversation: The explanation for this setting is the ensuing to that of Sweet Spot, and the corresponding danger decrease rate has become lower than the steady pace of brought about cost. 3. Contentions are raised that calculation didn't prevail to recognize in the midst of the high effect/low recurrence dangers just as high recurrence/low effect risk. For example, fire is viewed as low recurrence high effect risk just as abuse of assets is low effect high recurrence threat(Yokouchi, 2007). The calculation ALE couldn't make appropriate separation in the midst of the two dangers. The reason might be clarified alongside a model. At the point when an association stresses upon the hazard misfortune gauges, Annualized Loss Expectancy might be assessed. For computation of this, the recipe use is: Annualized Loss Expectancy = Asset Value * Exposure factor According to the given equation, it might be distinguished that on estimating the annualized misfortune anticipation, for the most part two elements are thought of: benefit an incentive just as introduction factor. On increasing these two factors, the result is single misfortune presentation. Along these lines, it just estimates the one measurement named hazard (Adler, Leonard Nordgren, 1999). Consequently, it doesn't prevail with regards to distinguishing the recurrence just as effect or accentuation on the result. In matter of low recurrence/high effect risk, the result size may correspond with the result of high recurrence/low effect danger. Consequently, indeed it might be expressed that misrepresentation approach of ALE calculation might be viewed as key factor related with fizzling of drawing unmistakable contrast in the midst of low recurrence/high effect danger and that of high recurrence/low effect risk. 4. Risk Cost per episode Event recurrence SLE ARO Lager Programming theft $600.00 1 every month 600 52 $31,200.00 PC infection/worm $2,000.00 1 every month 2000 12 $24,000.00 Data robbery (programmer) $3,500.00 1 for every 3 months 3500 4 $14,000.00 Data robbery (worker) $6,000.00 1 for every 4 months 6000 3 $18,000.00 Refusal of-administration assault $11,000.00 1 for every 2 years 11000 0.5 $5,500.00 PC robbery $4,000.00 1 for every 5 years 4000 0.2 $800.00 Web mutilation $1,500.00 1 for every 2 years 1500 0.5 $750.00 Fire $500,000.00 1 for every 10 years 500000 0.1 $50,000.00 Flood $300,000.00 1 for every 15 years 300000 0.066667 $20,000.00 5. Risk Cost per episode Event recurrence SLE ARO Brew Programming theft $500.00 1 for every 4 months 500 3 $1,500.00 PC infection/worm $1,300.00 1 for every 5 months 1300 2.4 $3,120.00 Data robbery (programmer) $2,000.00 1 for every a half year 2000 2 $4,

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